Monday, August 11, 2008


I got down to Bamako and headed back to Eric Anderson's apartment... he was kind enough to let me stay there versus getting a hotel room for 40 bucks a night.

Today, I went out on a search for Saleem Diakite, international man of mystery and creator of the San Hot Pocket.

He left San when a friend of his told him they could work together down in Bamako and made gobs of money. Unfortunately, when Diakite got down here, his friend refused to give him any of the earnings. He ended up finding a new job working at the Avis rent-a-car center cleaning cars when they come back from rentals. It is not good work, but it pays the bills for the moment.

It was good to see Diakite, but you could tell he wasn't psyched to be cleaning cars. I'm hoping he gets back on his feet making those hot pockets.

This is quite possibly the coolest photo I have ever taken. The coolness does NOT come from my camera ability but from this guy.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You found him! We were all so sad when he left San, and not only because the hot pockets left with him....