Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Denver, CO (redux)

Well, I'm back here Denver, CO visiting Davis and Missy. I have now made the trip between Denver and Fort Collins three times and I will pass through one more time tomorrow before heading up to Omaha, Nebraska. It's high-time I visited another route out here in the US of A.

Life is good here, and there's no mistaking that it's because these two people are wonderful. Davis is starting his first-year of residency in the ED (Emergency Department for you laymen... ER is so passe!), and Missy has just finished law school.

Davis is busy as all get out... He started a 30 hour shift on Monday, only to get back today around 1pm. All I can say is that my "shifts" back at Saint Albans aren't remotely close to 30 hours long.

Missy, on the other hand, is in her semi-retirement phase between taking the bar and beginning work at a firm here in Denver (Missy: if you provide the name, I'll include it on the blog). The result is that Davis goes to work and Missy and I get to hang out.

Just before Davis had to settle in, on Sunday, for the night (before his insanely long shift) we headed out to Pints, which has the greatest scotch, whisky and bourbon collection I have ever had the joy of witnessing. I acquiesced to Davis' expert opinion and had two great scotches. I wish I were able to retrieve the names, but I've got nothing.

In the morning (yesterday), we headed out to Bergen Park for a run with their dog, Multsie (more on the dog later). Missy decided we should take separate routes... thinking we would run at different rates. WELL... I believe Missy ran, so that absolutely proves that we "ran" at different rates. optimistically, I made it out of view of Missy and then I began heaving violently. As I understand it, Denver is at a higher altitude than my lowly DC, and that might have made running a bit difficult for me. Instead, the dog and I took a leisurely walk along the trails provided at the park and then met up with Missy back at the car. We headed back to their place, had some sandwiches and then headed out to see Superbad. If anyone is interested in my expert review of the movie, send me an email and I'll give you the business.

I'm headed out to Omaha tomorrow to pick up Julie Westfall in prep for the Peace Corps reunion in Decorah, Iowa. Let's see if I can make it....


NB: Of course, the dog... Multsie: Incredible. He's an 8 year old Chocolate Lab. He has just a bit of grey on his muzzle but is still active. I spent a lot of time (arguably a majority of my time here) playing with the dog. He'll rip apart a sheet of bubble rap like a champ and then do battle with a cardboard box like he's Muhammad Ali. Don't tell Missy or Davis, but I've kidnapped him and I'm taking him back to DC with me (is that wrong?).

1 comment:

Pete Big Bear said...

Met up with Pete yesterday. I did not keep him out real late, I had to work. Good guy, Pete is(why am I talking like Yoda?) Let me know when your are coming through.
Johnny Steph